free to all


We want everyone to be informed and have the resources to help them on their journey.  


Scoping Study Summary Report

JUNE 2024

An exploration of how to unite and utilise the collective expertise of VCSE health, social and community care organisations, so that they can work effectively in partnership with each other, with the Department of Health and other statutory agencies to improve health outcomes in NI.

Scoping Study Summary Report

JUNE 2024

An exploration of how to unite and utilise the collective expertise of VCSE health, social and community care organisations, so that they can work effectively in partnership with each other, with the Department of Health and other statutory agencies to improve health outcomes in NI.

Development Plan


The Northern Ireland Health Collective has been formed from a joint research study which took place over a 10 month period from September 2023 to June 2024 between Chief Officers of Third Sector (CO3) Health Special Interest Group (Health SIG) and the Long Term Conditions Alliance and was funded by the National Lottery Dormant Accounts Fund (NI) Development Grant. 


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Be part of a transformative movement. Together, we can make a difference in health and social care across Northern Ireland.